Key point is you need to be constantly reminded of the positive qualities you already possess. It has been said that the repetition is the mother of skill. Self-Affirmations provide an excellent way to accomplish that.
It’s a well known fact that our beliefs create our reality. If we think we can win, we can. Affirmations are the best way to develop our belief system.
What is Affirmation?
The Official I AM University website defines Affirmation as "A positive statement that has been specifically worded for the purpose of reprogramming the subconscious mind with positive and spiritual thoughts. One of the key tools of attitudinal healing and reprogramming our subconscious mind. This is a fundamental tool given that our thoughts create our reality!" (
Affirmation is also known as: Pep talk, Autosuggestion, Positive self talk, Self-suggestion, Self-Affirmation, Mental programming, Positive thinking, Self-hypnosis, Psycho-cybernetics, the Alpha method.
Affirmation is the medium for influencing the subconscious mind.
How Do Affirmations Work?
You know the commercials - same advertisements are shown over and over again. They know the importance of repetition. It takes repetition for an idea to sink in our minds. You need to do the same thing with the positive qualities you are aware of, for them to be absorbed and acted upon by your subconscious.
Napoleon Hill says in Think and Grow Rich - "Here is a most significant fact - the subconscious mind takes any orders given it in a spirit of absolute FAITH, and acts upon those orders, although the orders often have to be presented over and over again, through repetition, before they are interpreted by the subconscious mind."
Statistics show that negative news is broadcast 11 times more than good news. How can we positively influence our thinking in such a negative environment that we live in? Auto-suggestions help you stay positive even during adverse conditions.
The law of correspondence says our outer reality is a reflection of our inner reality. You attract what you are. It’s true with your financial success or any other success.
Pat Riley, Coach, Miami Heat Basketball team, 2006 NBA champions, quoted - "A champion needs a motivation above and beyond winning" - When you find your purpose and commit it to your core through affirmations you can find that kind of motivation.
A coach motivates his team. Words motivate. You use the affirmations to motivate yourself.
Psychologists and scriptures affirm again and again the importance of having faith. One must have faith in self to achieve any amount of success. "... FAITH is a state of mind which may be induced, or created, by affirmation or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind, through the principle of auto-suggestion." - says Napoleon Hill, the author of the classic Think and Grow Rich - "… you may CONVINCE the subconscious mind that you believe you will receive that for which you ask, and it will act upon that belief, which your subconscious mind passes back to you in the form of 'FAITH', followed by definite plans for procuring that which you desire.
".... any impulse of thought which is repeatedly passed on to the subconscious mind is, finally, accepted and acted upon by the subconscious mind, which proceeds to translate that impulse into its physical equivalent, by the most practical procedure available."
To read the entire article, please click here.One of the best self-affirmation tools freely available online is - Affirmations Tool.
Copyright © 2006 Vin Bhat. This article was written by Vin Bhat, at provides the coaching programs and success tools to help you realize your full potential and to help you get what you want in life or in business. Get a free e-book on affirmation at: Subscribe to the newsletter with rich positive content at:
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